After leaving work early we headed west and arrived in Klitmøller at five o'clock for an spotcheck at the reef -the wind was a bit scetchy but I rigged my 5.3 on my 75 exowave and got a short session in the sunset.

The forecast for saturday was for lot of wind in the morning from northwest swinging west and souhwest. We arrived at Middles where everybody was sailing 4.0's
While we couldn't decide teh wind made our decision as it eased of just enough for a 4.7
Morten rigged his Kite and I rigged my 4.7 - what a epic day - It was so great that we had no time for photographs !
I later got this photo taken from a videoclip which I managed to get my hands on as well :-)

We later went to Nr. Vorupør to see if there where a session to be had - Mats was the only one to get out - he borrowed my 9.6 longboard and had a few rides
Sunday we went back to Nr. Vorupør where the conditions where epic, I rigged my 4.7 and got about an hour - with great wave riding - but my hands couldn't handle it ! Lucky for me the wind accelerated to peak winds of 18 m/s so no harm done....
After having some late lunch we headed east again after a truly epic weekend.